How to Save My Marriage

How to Deal with and Stop Anxiety from Ruining Your Marriage

How to Deal with and Stop Anxiety from Ruining Your Marriage

Anyone living with anxiety will tell you how difficult it is emotionally, mentally, and physically. It can trigger a sense of panic, fear, and a general sense of uneasiness. Anxiety can also bleed into different aspects of your life, including marriage. Is your husband's anxiety ruining your marriage? Don't despair. This marital issue is more common than you think.

How To Know When To Walk Away From A Sexless Marriage

How To Know When To Walk Away From A Sexless Marriage

All marriages, including perfectly healthy ones, experience a dry spell at one point or another. Several factors can contribute to this such as stress from work, financial problems, and so on. However, any marriage counselor will tell you that sex is a crucial part of a healthy and happy marriage. There is a difference between occasional dry spells and a sexless marriage.